Subspace Pulse Turret
(Subspace Compression Continuum Distortion-Accelerated Double-Barreled Pulse Phaser Turret)

This weapon is a combination of the Subspace Compression Phaser, Warp Gun, and pulse phasers.
8.7 MW of phaser energy is encased in a cohesive graviton shell.  The shell is accelerated by
saturated warp field emitters in the launch tube (a la Warp Gun) to warp 1.  A subspace
compression technique is used within the warp field to cause structural strain on the target,
increasing weapon effectiveness (see 'Subspace Megaphaser').  Because of the warp fields, this
weapon can be fired while in warp.

The turret rises from the hull and has 360 degrees of xy-plane motion (left and right).  The
phaser emitters themselves have 180 degrees of z-plane motion (up and down).  The emitters are
flush with the outside of the turret.  The system can fire at 2 moving targets in extreme
opposite positions with a mere second between shots (compiled using fire rate as well as
targeting and turret speeds).  Each emitter can fire once every half-second and the firing
times are staggered between the two emitters so a pulse can be fired every quarter of a second.
Has a normal maximum output of 8.7 MW per quarter-second, or 2088 MW total per minute.
Even though it doesn't fire as quickly as a pulse phaser alone, or thus deliver as much total
wattage per unit of time, it does more physical damage to the target because of the increased
impact velocity and the subspace compression technique.  It also expands usefulness of the